Saturday, October 10, 2009

The Raging Quiet

Title - The Raging Quiet
Author - Sherryl Jordan
Genre - Historical Romance; Fiction
Short Synopsis - This book is about a girl named Marnie. She marries this guy at the beginning of the book who is kind of a jerk. He dies because of an accident, but the people in the village Marnie lives in think that she killed her husband because she is a witch. Marnie meets this guy who is supposedly the "village idiot," but she discovers what is really wrong with him. Marnie and her new friend are basically social outcasts, and the rest of the book focuses on their relationship and how they deal with the hatred of the villagers.
Favorite Quotes -
"If I can see your face, he signed, I'll be happy."

What can I do to stop your hurt?
Nothing more, she signed. You do everything, and you make me all right. Thank you.
Very gently, he touched her sooty cheek. If there was a way, he signed, I'd take your hurt and carry it for you.

I don't want to stay here without you, he signed. I can't be without you. You are me. We are the same, in our hearts. He stopped, searching for words, frustrated and near tears. He went on: I feel...feelings too big, I have no words. If you go away from me, I will lie down and sleep, and not wake up again.

I have you, and you have me, he signed. A house is only stones and grass. We have all the stones, all the grass, the sea, and the sky. All the far fields, they are ours...We have everything we want for our journey, and we are together all times...

Recommendation - This was a totally excellent book. It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. It was a great ending, and you aren't left hanging or wishing that it had worked out any other way. I could read this over and over again.

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